Sand is one of the most deceptively simple industrial inputs in the world. It has numerous uses in a wide range of industries. Before you contract a sand supply company, it's critical to understand how your use case connects to the ordering process. Here is what industrial users need to know about sand.
Know Your Use Case
Different kinds of sand serve surprisingly divergent functions. Fine sand with a high silicon content, for example, can be useful in making electronics, specialty glass, and even some chemicals. Conversely, quartz has applications in conventional glassmaking, construction, remodeling, and ceramics. Some sandy clays with low reactivity are critical to casting engines and other metal components. You will find industrial sand in filtration systems, too.
Whenever you call a supplier, you need to know your exact use case. Someone creating bunkers for golf courses, for example, is going to require a very different product that another person who's using sand for soil amendment in gardening, agriculture, or civil engineering. Grain sizes, purity levels, and general quality will vary by application. Tell the supplier what your use case is and which products are ideal for your application so they can match you with the right product.
It is a good idea to know which sources produce the best sand for your purposes, too. When you talk with a sand supply firm about options, this will give you a better sense of whether certain products will meet your specifications. Beach and river sands, for example, have very different applications. Likewise, some regions produce products that are optimal for certain purposes.
Matching a different source to your application can be tough so make sure you and your supplier are clear on sourcing requirements. If you need to substitute one product for another, knowing the sources will improve the odds of making the substitution successfully.
Long-Term Contracts
Market competition for sand supply is reaching historic levels. If you find a supplier with the means to meet your needs, the smart move may be to lock in the relationship. A long-term commitment can control pricing while also guaranteeing availability.
If you know your company will require sand for months or years to come, it may be best to enter a deal that specifies a certain quantity. You should also contract based on your need for types and quality levels of sand.
Finally, make sure the delivery method matches your circumstances. Some locations can be challenging to deliver so it's a good idea to talk with a sand supply business about its capabilities. You should also discuss which days the company can deliver the sand.
For more information on sand, contact a supplier near you.